The Evolution of Modern Lighting Fixtures
It is an irrefutable fact that we cannot imagine our present world without lights. Lighting technology has evolved much since its inception from the archaic flickering flames to the modern LEDs. This evolution is a testament to human ingenuity and technological progress that changed our society . In this article, we will travel back in time to unravel the mystery of the evolution of modern lighting fixtures over the years.
The Primitive lights-
For a long period of time the human beings relied on natural sources of lights like the sun and moon. But, as centuries passed and the humans became more advanced, need for artificial light became imperative. The discovery of fire was a watershed moment in the history of humans. It was used as the primary source of artificial illumination for centuries.
Our ancestors produced fire by rubbing stones or sticks together and used it for cooking food and hunting animals. Apart from that fire was also used to provide light and warmth to humans to help them perform their daily functions.
As civilizations advanced, so did the lighting technology. The ancient romans developed the first wicked candle made from Beeswax. These were renowned for their portability and convenience. These candles were ubiquitously used by the Westerns societies for ceremonies and festivals.
The Era Of Gas Lights-
With the onset of the industrial revolution came a significant turning point in lighting technology. William Murdoch, a Scottish engineer, discovered coal gas as an efficient energy source to light his home. Since then, gaslighting was prominently used to illuminate the cities, streets and homes. These gas-lighting fixtures in the form of gas chandeliers and street lamps had myriad advantages. Made from materials like brass and glass these lights reflected the opulent taste of the Victorian Era. These ornate fixtures gave an added benefit of controlling the brightness according to one’s needs. These lights also produced low amount of soot and smoke which had a detrimental effect on humans linked with the oil devices.
However, Gas lights had its drawbacks which led to the rise of a new lighting technology that brought a paradigm shift in the standard of fixtures.
The Dawn Of Electric Lights-
After Thomas Edison invented the incandescent bulbs, lighting technology revolutionized radically. This bulb used a heated filament to produce light that offered a more convenient and safer alternative to gas lamps.
There was increase in the diverse activities that could be performed now due to these bright lights. It also led to a surge in productivity of the people which benefitted the rapid industrialization happening at that time,
With the beginning of 20th century, fluorescent lighting emerged as a more energy-efficient option. These lights contained low pressure mercury gas and were coated with phosphor material. They emitted a bright light when an electric current passed through it. Fluorescent lights became very popular in industries due to their efficiency and longer lifespan.
The Rise Of LED Technology
The LEDs have changed the scenario of modern lighting because of their numerous advantages compared to traditional lighting sources. LEDs are semiconductor devices that emit light when an electric current passes through them. Some of the common benefits of LEDs are mentioned below-
Energy Efficiency- LEDs are more energy-efficient compared to the incandescent or fluorescent bulbs which results in lower electricity bills. They also leave a lower carbon footprint that helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
Longer Shelf-Life- LEDs have a longer shelf life than fluorescent lights. This reduces the need for frequent replacements and leads to less wastage in dumpyards. These lights are also more durable and resistant to damage.
Better Lighting Quality- LEDs provide a much better lighting quality that causes less glare and flicker. This helps to increase the visibility and is more soothing to the eyes compared to the traditional lighting sources.
As the world is heading towards a smarter digital age, the lighting technology is becoming smarter too. With the rise in Internet Of Things smart lights are becoming more popular because of their interesting features . Smart lights offer various features like dimming, scheduling, voice control , color control. They can also integrate with other home automation devices using your smartphones.
With the passage of time, lighting technology has adapted itself according to the changing needs and desires of the humans. The journey of lighting fixtures through the ages is a testament to human ingenuity and technological progress. Also, advancements in science are opening up new possibilities for creating unique lights. From the flickering flames of early civilizations to today’s sophisticated LEDs, lighting has evolved drastically illuminating our homes and workplaces.
With further advancements in technology, lighting fixtures continue to evolve and we look forward to exciting developments to make our life more beautiful and bright.